Friday, May 8, 2009


I need to start reading again. Not just satires or novels, but works that legitimately stimulate my mind. I'm tired of wasting away the chance to grow intellectually. Isn't that the point of education? Especially at the undergraduate level students should realize that they really don't know that much and to start taking responsibility for their self-education. Just cramming the pieces that teachers pick isn't enough.

Right now, I'm jumping straight into the fire with 5000 B.C. and other Philosophical Fantasies by Raymond Smullyan.

The philosopher Jaako Hintikka makes the delightful argument that one is morally obligated not to do anything impossible. The argument, which ultimately rests on the fact that a false proposition implies any proposition, is this: Suppose Act A is such that it's impossible to perform without destroying the human race. Then surely one is morally obligated not to perform this act. Well, if Act A is an impossible act, then it is indeed impossible to perform it without destroying the human race (since it's impossible to perform it at all!), and therefore one is morally obligated not to perform the act.

But does not the following argument (sic!) show that one is morally obligated to do everything impossible?

Suppose that Act B is such that if one performs it, then the human race will be saved from destruction. Isn't one then morally obligated to perform the act? Now suppose that Act B is impossible to perform. Then it is the case that if one performs Act B, the human race will be saved, because it's false that one will perform this impossible act and a false proposition implies anything. One is therefore morally obligated to perform every impossible act.

R. Smullyan, 5000 B.C. and Other Philosophical Fantasies, (St. Martin's Press, NY, 1983):41-42.

Speaking of fire, I hope my hand doesn't scar. I had a pretty bad back-draft throw burning ash on my first two fingers, thumb, and left half of the back of my right hand. Here's a picture that's from a few days later so it's starting to heal.

Stupid charcoal grills.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Maybe having a degree won't help you do better than McDonald's or Food Lion

So they have an internship that helps bring Chinese over to America, get them a job, and put them up in a place to live for 8-16 weeks. These are almost always undergraduate students, but they end up working at places like Disney Land, Food Lion, McDonald's, 7-11, etc.

There's nothing wrong with working at those places. However, I question the legitimacy of an agency who's best job for an internship involves selling cigarettes at gas stations or flipping burgers for hours on end. I mean, you're providing minimum-wage working opportunities for brilliant students who have worked their whole lives for the chance to attend a university in China.

Current U.S. economic situation notwithstanding, I can understand the difficulty in securing jobs for Chinese nationals. Hopefully they aren't planning on working in Michigan.

Below is a forum post by a student familiar with the internship. Sorry, but it's in Chinese. Here's the link I got it from. That's actually the google-translate version. The actual hyperlink is... broken?

第5楼 圈子 | 发送站内信 | 加为好友 | 邀请加入圈子





① 第一类:主题公园

② 第二类:超市便利店

③ 第三类:美国国家自然公园




Thursday, April 9, 2009

Eye am having trouble seeing, but I'm looking into it.

So yesterday I had PRK eye surgery. It wasn't too bad because of all the numbing agents they put in your eye before the actual surgery. Oh, and there's Valium. The doctor said that Valium really only takes the edge off and reduces anxiety. For me... well... I don't know how to explain it. I felt kind of silly, like when you're drunk and you're more willing to do things that normally you would talk yourself out of. For example, the other two patients and I were hanging out in the waiting room until the Valium kicked in. About 15 minutes into the wait, I got up and started digging through a bag of clothes I found that had the doctor's scrubs. Then I put them on and pretended I was the doctor. Yeah, I know. So I guess that's what Valium does?

I have four eye drops that I have to put in every four hours. These anti-bacterial eye drops must have hot sauce in them, because they are the most painful eye drops I've ever used in my life. There is nothing cool and refreshing about them. It's all pain. That's the worst part of the recovery post-op. The best part is sleeping all day... but I do get bored.

Also, I have Percocet. I don't really think it does anything to me except make me really tired. Maybe because I'm not up walking around, stumbling into things and acting a fool. Because drugs like that tend to "walk away," I switched the pills with the ones in my Phenegan, an anti-nausea medicine, bottle. This way, if someone comes in and tries to take my Percocet, they'll really just be taking a bunch super-Tums. At the same time, I hope my friends don't come in here looking for something for their stomach ache and take the entire bottle of Percs. Although that would be hilarious.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


"No need to ask my name to figure out how cool I am."

What a solid band. Thanks to my sick ass roommate that I steal music from.

Below is a song by Justice that uses an old Simian song "We are your friends." It's a genius video and an even better beat.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Techno Rewind

Here's three artists that come to mind when I think of techno I grew up to: Darude, Paul Oakenfold, and ATB. This is what happens when Asians feel nostalgic and dig in their collection of beats.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

No more semester abroad... for me

So my semester abroad got pulled out from under my feet. Whatever. I'm fucking tired of dealing with shit like this. I mean, it is my fault... no one forced me to come here, and all things aside, I'm happy. All the same though, sometimes it seems like just too much shit to deal with. Oh well, it's worth it.

At least amidst all this shitty news is a few good things, namely Flowering Apple Blossom is rolling over to the States to do a semester abroad in September for 6 months. How fucking ironic would it have been if I was over in China during that semester, too? Haha... yeah.

Also, with all the stuff that's been getting me down recently, I'm having to learn to start cutting off stuff that does nothing but frustrate me. Namely, old friends who I've realized are just un-dialed phone numbers and pissed off moods to me now.

That's enough venting for now. Spring Break's in 3 days and nothing's going to ruin scuba diving in Belize for me. I'll try to put some stuff up later when I get back.